XOLAREN is not only a consulting firm but also an experienced EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Commissioning) company in the industry to support you on D2C (Dream to Commissioning). We convey to our customers that a single company can make their life easier for a project rather than handling multiple consultants/vendors. We want to be a single contact point for your entire project as long as we are able to provide support.
An effective design can save your thousands of hours, millions of money, and huge pain. No good things have been availed at a cheaper cost. It is told from the ancient, A Persian proverb, "Thinking well is wise; planning well, wiser; but doing well is the wisest and best of all"
Having a good EPC can reduce millions of troubles in implementing a project. If you have a good EPC, you can save pain during project implementation and then solution & support. We are a season engineering team for performing EPC on electrical and SOLAR.

FEED is a very strong tool for an investor when so much draft stuff is required to be done. FEED does play a tangible role in taking an investment decision. A Chinese proverb is, "The rich man plans for tomorrow, the poor man for today."
Not only a FEED can support an investor when it is an issue with an existing facility; XOLAREN is equally capable of conducting Detailed Engineering analysis and Assessment; and also confident in estimating any engineering project.
It is complete support that is an integration of FEED and Detailed Engineering and cost estimation. Be it is a new project or an issue with an existing facility to take a Financial decision for making an investment decision.